Does the Multiverse theory suggest that somewhere, in some strange parallel-existence/alternate-reality...
...the WTS doesn't exist?
So long as human nature is what it is now there will always be something like the WTS.
Does the Multiverse theory suggest that somewhere, in some strange parallel-existence/alternate-reality...
...the WTS doesn't exist?
So long as human nature is what it is now there will always be something like the WTS.
great article with charts showing how the world is getting better, despite the attempts of the news and certain religious groups to say it ain't so (or try and make it not)..
Viliage idiot did you look at the charts that show many things are getting better every year.
It was sarcasm Al.
great article with charts showing how the world is getting better, despite the attempts of the news and certain religious groups to say it ain't so (or try and make it not)..
Yes sir82, the world started to get worse since Jesus started ruling as the Prince of Peace.
let's face it, we're all connected now.
we take it for granted that we access our bank accounts from our laptops or phones.
it's so convenient.
Pete Zahut, I don't know the details but yes, it is possible. Double check the URL after you are re-directed, it may change.
Ooops, Simon beat me to it.
moses has a history of what 80+ years as a servant of jehovah ?
in one form or another .. moses wrote / penned the first five books of the bible and went through many trials and tribulations in serving his god jehovah in his long lifetime.interacting with god at times.. jesus was born and nothing is recorded of him until he is a young adolescent child ?
and very little about him.. then we are introduced to him when he is 30 years old and gets baptised ,and only then does he start his preaching .. does he start preaching to the world ?
So you're basically playing the Devil's advocate?
moses has a history of what 80+ years as a servant of jehovah ?
in one form or another .. moses wrote / penned the first five books of the bible and went through many trials and tribulations in serving his god jehovah in his long lifetime.interacting with god at times.. jesus was born and nothing is recorded of him until he is a young adolescent child ?
and very little about him.. then we are introduced to him when he is 30 years old and gets baptised ,and only then does he start his preaching .. does he start preaching to the world ?
David Jay,
Jews do not believe that gathering wood on the Sabbath is or ever was a capital offense.
And thus begins your rationalization:
The account in Torah at Numbers 15:32-34 tells about the stoning of a man who was caught gathering wood on Shabbat, but his sentence doesn't match anything that Jews know about Torah and the Sabbath. According to the Mishna (Shabbat ch.7), gathering is not a type of work forbidden on the Sabbath.
It does not matter what other books have to say on one subject so long as it's found in one.
Therefore the account in Numbers is NOT stating that gathering wood is forbidden on the Sabbath (note there is no law that states this in Scripture).
Circular reasoning.
The man perhaps was doing something either in the way he gathered wood or the reason why he gathered wood that caused him to be stoned.
Maybe he was gathering the wood to warm himself up while committing adultery? Seriously now, one would think that the real crime would be mentioned without bothering to mention something as trivial as gathering wood.
okay team,.
some family friends who are engaged are getting some flack around the particulars of their wedding ceremony (surprise!
"strain out the gnat, gulp down the camel", and all that).
I recall a statement in the literature about the possibility that non-members might behave poorly and cause an embarrassment at the reception.
I don't have access to this citation so I'm not sure if it says that but it may be of help: w97 4/15 25.
jesus taught a surviving generation, a group inhering everlasting life, an escape route to avoid a global disaster worse than the flood, a generation that "will not pass away--" an infinite generation.
wt teaches a generation that dies, ends, passes away, at the first sign of real trouble, the great tribulation.. what do you believe about this wt assertion?
(apart from that there is no talking snake, it is all irrelevant).
They want to give the illusion of explaining something that can't be explained. Everyone pretends that it's meaningful in the same way as those who saw the naked emperor pretended he was dressed.
A smart twelve year old could have come out with a better rationalization than the "overlapping generation". I have one but I do not want to give them any ideas if they're lurking here.
with these new disasters going on around the world, i would imagine that the jw's are going ape shit with the thought of death and destruction right around the corner.
i was smart enough to leave this cult after 1975 came and went with a whimper.
i was in my teens at the time and i vividly remember to this day the excitement all the witlesses had with the knowledge that '75 was going to be the year of armageddon!!!
Nevuela: "Wow, six years and not one single comment?"
You just made a comment. Oops! Now it's 2 comments.
i did not see a newbs thread to introduce myself, so my apologies if i'm in the wrong place.
i was a 3rd generation born in witness for 30 years until i was disfellowshipped back in 2007 for making a mistake.
my entire life up until that point was based on and circled around the society, and even though at first i really enjoyed my freedom (i still do), the fact is that i'm still struggling with cognitive dissonance, resentment, and loneliness.. i miss my family all the time.
Welcome Nina!
I have tried to go back to the organization several times. The problem is that when you read as much as I do, you invariably come across things that make you THINK, and then you see the the organization for what it really is.
I highly suggest you read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz, a former member of the Governing Body (It's available free in pdf). You'll see that, no matter how bad things are as you see them now, they're always worse when you look more closely.
Don't bother returning to the organization, they don't deserve someone as honest as you.
Unfortunately he has been a little possessive and has caused me to lose some of the friends I did make when I left.
Is he also Hispanic? They're naturally inclined towards that.
But something is still missing. I don't even feel like I can have a personal connection with god because if Jehovah wants "his people" to behave the way they do, then I don't want to know or love Jehovah. In fact, I think he's a bit of an asshole.
That "missing" thing is the realization that there's no such thing as such a god.
Keep in touch.